Mechanical Engineering

B.Sc. degree (in physics) in 1981 from the Tel Aviv University
M.Sc. degree in 1985 from the Technion, Haifa
Ph.D. in 1992 from Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.

Research Interests:
physical optics and nanoscale – optics.
nano-photonics and radiative heat transfer from nanostructures

2008 Ph.D., Physics department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
2000 B.Sc., Cum Laude, Mechanical Engineering (Optical engineering ), Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.

Research Interests:
Nonlinear optics in small molecules,
Engineering of thermal radiation,
Relevant applications: Optical Heat pumps, Solar powered micro-Lasers, Nano-scale optical devices.
Nonlinear optics in incoherent light for solar applications.

1994 - B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Technion – I.I.T., Israel

1999 - M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Technion – I.I.T., Israel

2003 - M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

2007 - Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Research Interests:

Novel electro-chemo-mechanical energy conversion devices

Micro/nanofluidic Lab-on-a-chip biomedical / diagnostic devices

Nanochannel-based fuel cells and battery storage devices

Nanofluidic electronic circuit equivalents

Ph.D.: Mechanical Engineering, Technion 1992

M.Sc.: Mechanical Engineering, Technion 1988

B.Sc.: Mechanical Engineering, Technion 1986

Main Nano Field:

Unique electrospinning method for fabrication of nanofibers enabling the formation of conducting polymers or other materials.

Head of the laboratory of Manufacturing Systems

Research Interests:


Mechanical Characterization of Nanostructures



1973 - B.Sc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - I.I.T.
1976 - M.Sc., Department of Material Science, Technion - I.I.T.
1979 - D.Sc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - I.I.T.

Research Interests
Micro-Nano mechanics and multiscale phenomena.
Non-homogeneous and Composite Materials.
Fracture & Fatigue.
Functional Perturbation methods.
Mechanics involving Random morphology.