Technion Photovoltaic Laboratory

(Zisapel building)

The center was established to provide basic and advanced tools for the fabrication and characterization of photovoltaic devices.


Academic supervisor: Prof. Gadi Eisenstein,

Center manager: Dr. Wolf Andrey,, Phone : 04 -829-5014

List of equipment:

Solar simulator (Oriel Sol3A, Newport inc.)an ozone free 1000W arc. lamp with a 6"x6" beam size, and power output tunable between 1 to 1.5. Sun (100–150 W/cm2) in the 400-1100 nm wavelength range. 

Quantum Efficiency measurement kit - (Oriel QE-PV-SI, Newport Inc.): measures the quantum efficiency of a photovoltaic cell at any wavelength in the 180-2500 nm range (with a resolution of 0.15 nm). The system is equipped with a Cornerstone 260 monochromator with a Merlin and a preamplifier. 

Controlled Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy (CIMPS, Zahner Electrik):  an impedance-based spectroscopy system capable of measuring the response of a photovoltaic cell to modulations in the intensity of the incident light in a wide range of frequencies, 4M- 10μ Hz, and wavelengths, 365-880 nm. 

Spectrophotometer (Cary 5000, Agilent): The UV-VIS-NIR beam spectrophotometer can measure the transmission, reflection and absorption of different solid and liquid samples in a wide range of wavelengths (200-3300nm).

Elipspmeter (J.A. Woollam Co., Inc.): capable of measuring the thickness of thin films and their refractive and absorption indexes (n, k) in a wide wavelength range (240-2100 nm). 

Fabrication equipment: Molecular vapor deposition system (MVD, MVD100E, Applied Microstructure Inc.): or the low temperature (35°C) deposition of organic or inorganic layers on different substrates. Currently, three types of organic coatings are available:

- TMA (Trimethylaluminum);

- APTMS (3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane);

- FDTS (Heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrodecyl Trichlorosilane)

Sputtering system (ATC-2200, AJA international Inc.) :This system is designed to hold up to 6 targets and deposit a variety of materials  including metal oxides and dielectrics at temperatures ranging from RT up to 1000°C on different substrates up to 4" in diameter.

TRMC - time resolved microwave conductivity.