The Biomedical Core Facility
Faculty of Medicine
The Biomedical core facility provides a variety of general equipment and services, such as spectrometry and densitometry measurements and analysis, concentrating and drying devices, centrifuges, dry ice, plate readers, incubation shaker, Sonicators, scanners, Phosphor Imager, microcalorimeter and more
Academic supervisor: Prof. Eliezer Shalev
Center manager: Dr. Ofer Shenker - Head of Biomedical Core Facility & Instructional Laboratories,, phone: 04-8295364
List of Equipment:
- BioMarkHD (Fluidigm) Large-scale real-time quantitative PCR system based on microfluidic chips. Suitable for single-cell gene expression and digital PCR applications.
- PGM (Ion Torrent) Next-Generation Sequencing suitable for targeted resequencing.
- HiScan (Illumina) Microarray scanner for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping, copy number variation (CNV), gene expression and DNA methylation.
- Software-IPA & data analysis
- Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis (3500xl Genetic analyzers, Life Technology).
- Cell line authentication (3130xl Genetic analyzers, Life Technology).
- Qiacube (Qiagen) automatic DNA/RNA extraction.
- TapeStation 2200 (Agilent) DNA/RNA quality.
- Qubit and Picogreen DNA/RNA quantitation based on fluorescent dyes.
- Confocal Inverted Laser-Scanning Microscope (Zeiss LSM 510 META)
- Confocal Upright Laser-Scanning Microscope (Zeiss LSM 700)
- Time Lapse 1 Inverted Motorized Fluorescence microscope – controlled temperature, humidity and an active gas mixer for long term live experiments (Zeiss Axio Observer).
- Time Lapse 2 Inverted Motorized Fluorescence microscope – for fixed specimens and for short term live experiments (Zeiss Axio Observer).
- Automatic digital whole slide scanner – (3D Histech Pannoramic MIDI)
- Micro Ultra Sound-In-vivo VSI 2100 – for in-vivo small animal (rodent) imaging.
- Whole animal imaging system IVIS-200 – for non-invasive quantitative fluorescence and bioluminescence (luciferase activity) imaging.
- fMRI 9.4T Bruker – for small animal (rodent) functional MRI.
- MRI 1T ASPECT – for small animal (rodent) MRI.
- 5 Lasers Aria IIIu Cell Sorter (BD) – 11 fluorescence detectors for use in complex cell sorting.
- 4 Lasers Fortessa Flow Cytometer (BD) – detects up to 16 parameters.
- 3 Lasers CyAN ADP Flow Cytometer (Beckman Coulter) – detects up to 11 parameters.
- 2 Lasers Calibur Flow Cytometer (BD) – detects up to 6 parameters.
- CyTOF I (Fluidigm) – Mass cytometry, currently measures up to 40 parameters at the single cell level.
- Bio-Plex MAGPIX (Luminex) – multiplex reader system for magnetic bead based immunoassays. Measures up to 50 analytes per sample.