Established by the LS&E and the RBNI, the TCSB provides Structural Biology expertise, education and infrastructure to enhance interdisciplinary biomedical research. Our state-of-the-art facility for Macromolecular Crystallography allows for in-house high-resolution X-ray data collection to zoom in on Biology at the atomic level. Along with the most advanced crystallography robotics, the TCSB houses the highest intensity rotating-anode X-ray generator on the market, FR-X by Rigaku.
Head of TCSB: Dr. Yael Pazy Benhar,,
Phone: 077-8871901
Research assistant: Dikla Hiya,,
Phone : 077-887-1682
List of Equipment:
Mosqiuto HTS - liquid handler for protein crystallization, TTP Labtech
Formulator - liquid handler for protein optimization, Formulatrix
Rock Imager 1000 - automated imaging system for protein crystallization, Formulatrix
SteREO Discovery V20 microscope, Zeiss
FR-X Ultra high-intensity microfocus rotating anode X-ray generator, Rigaku
R-Axis HTC X-rays detector, Rigaku
ACTOR - Automated Crystal Mounting System, Rigaku
Graphics room – iMac workstations with HKL3000 software
Nano ITC - Isothermal Titration Calorimeter, TA Instruments
MST - Microscale Thermophoresis, Nano Temper technologies