Nano Biotechnology & Nanomedicine

Senior Vice Dean, Technion Rappaport Faculty of Medicine

Director, The Clinical Research Institute at Rambam 

PhD: 1978-Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel

MSc:1975-Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel,

BSc:1970-Chemistry, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Research Interests

1. Lipoproteins Oxidation and Atherosclerosis

PhD: Weizmann Institute of Science, 1993

MSc: Weizmann Institute of Science 1988

BSc: Agriculture, Jerusalem University 1986

Nano Main Field: Interested in protein-protein interaction in the c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling pathway and elucidation of cardiac hypertrophy pathways.

Research interests

signal transduction and control of gene expression

Ph.D.: Technion 1985

M.Sc.: Environmental Virology, Hebrew University 1980

B.Sc.: Biology, Hebrew University 1974

Head of Environmental Microbiology Laboratory

Main Nano Field:

Sol-gel imprinting with microorganisms for detection of pathogens

Research Interests:

Sol-gel technology in rapid virus detection

Whole cell imprinting in sol-gel

Sensors of enzymatic activity

PhD: Zoology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1981

MSc: Zoology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1974

BSc: Zoology and genetics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1972

Nano Main Field: We study cellular responses (HSPs) of various species of land snails to heat and desiccation at the protein and mRNA levels using real time PCR.

Research Interests:

Comparative physiology and eco-physiology from cellular to whole organism.