Nano Biotechnology & Nanomedicine
Ph.D.: Technion, 1970
B.Sc.: Agricultural and Civil Engineering, Technion,1962
Main Nano Field: forced and spontaneous nanomotion of the cytoskeleton as a probe for intracellular rheology and remodeling.
Research Interests: Cellular Micro-Rheology and Nano-motion
Tissues Micro-Structure and Mechanics
Coronary Circulation
Ph.D.: Technion 1993
M.D.: Technion 1987
B.Sc.: Electrical Eng., Technion 1985
Main Nano Field: biophysics of the muscle molecular motor, biological control of sub-cellular nanosystems for therapeutic modalities.
Research Interests:
The Biological nano linear molecular motor
The intracellular control of excitation-contraction coupling
Interface between molecular biology and nanotechnology
PhD: Biochemistry, Tel-Aviv University, 2008
MSc: Neurobiology, Tel-Aviv University, 2002
BSc: B. Pharm, The Hebrew University, 2000
PhD: faculty of Medicine, Technion, 2001
MSc: faculty of Biology, Technion, 1996
BSc: faculty of Biology, Technion, 1994
PhD: Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, 1991
BSc: Hebrew University, 1985
PhD: Biomedical Engineering, Technion, Haifa, Israel 2008
MSc: Biomedical Engineering, Technion, Israel 2005
BSc: Mechanical Engineering, BGU, Israel 1996
Nano Main Field: Nano-medicine and microfluidic application for Cardiovascular Diseases and Hematological disorders.
Research Interests:
*Vascular biomechanics
*Cardio-Vascular diseases
Ph.D.: BME, Technion 1984
M.Sc.: BME, Technion 1979
B.Sc.: Aeronautical Eng. Technion 1973
Main Nano Field: motion of nanoparticles and intracellular organelles to investigate local viscoelastic properties of cells and mechanotransduction underload.
Research Interests:
*Bio nanotechnology and medical applications
Ph.D.: Physics, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology 2003
M.Sc.: Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science 1998
B.Sc.: Physics and Mathematics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996
Main Nano Field: biophysical aspects of cell motility, Self-organization in biological systems, Interface between molecular biology and nanotechnology.
Research Interests:
*Biophysical aspects of cell motility
*Self-organization in biological systems
Main Nano Field: Optic fiber microarray for rapid bacterial identification and typing
PhD: Physics, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, 2004
MSc: Applied Physics and Materials Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1993
BSc: Physics and Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1991