
Ph.D. Physics, University of Munich, 2013

M.Sc. Physics, University of Munich, 2009

Main Nano Field: In our experimental group, we are studying coherent quantum dynamics on the attosecond time scale and nanometer length scale. To this end, we are developing new approaches to achieve exactly that – simultaneous spatial and temporal imaging of electronic wave functions. 

research interests:

Research Interests:

Low temperature physics, shot noise, metal-insulator transition in 2D systems

Room 603, Lidow Physics Complex

Ph.D.: Physics, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, 1980
B.Sc.: Physics and Mathematics, University of Sydney, Australia, 1974
Past - President of the Israel Physical Society

Main Nano Research Field:
Atomistic Simulations of Nanodiamond and Nanotubes

Research Interests
Computational Condensed Matter Physics
Atomistic Simulations and their Visualization
Modeling defects, melting and amorphous structures
Formation of nano-diamond and diffusion in nanotubes

Ph.D.: Physics, Technion, 1986

M.Sc.: Physics, Technion, 1983

B.Sc.: Physics, Technion 1980


Main Nano field:

Optical and electronic properties of quantum wells, wires and quantum dots. Short-pulse lasers and high spatial resolution optics for low light level spectroscopy and sub picosecond time resolved spectroscopy.

Research Interestes