
Yoav Sagi



Nano Area:
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PhD: Physics, Weizmann, 2010

MSc: Physics, Technion, 2002

BSc:  Physics and Mathematics (Talpiot), Hebrew university, Jerusalem, 1999

Nano Main Field:

we are an experimental group studying the many-body physics of interacting ultracold gas of fermions, including such phenomena as superfluidity, pairing, collective dynamics, and more. The gas is prepared and held in many different optical potentials that implement scenarios of interest with high level of controllability. Using unique detection techniques, we are able to measure important quantities of the gas such as its momentum and spatial distributions, thermodynamic functions, transport properties, and non-equilibrium dynamics. In many of these techniques we make use of sub wavelength control of laser beams combined with magnetic, rf and microwave fields.


Research Interests

correlated materials

ultracold atoms

strongly interacting Fermi gases