RBNI Scholarships & Prizes for excellence in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (2023-2024)

 שדות המסומנים בכוכבית (*) הינם שדות חובה


14 Jul 2024

The Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) will award excellence scholarships to outstanding Technion graduate students working in the field of Nano Science and Technology and are registered during the current academic year (October 2023 - September 2024).

The purpose of the excellence scholarships is to enhance the research in this important field.

The primary criterion for receiving the excellence scholarships is the scientific output as reflected by publications in scientific journals or conferences related to Nanotechnology.

The advisors are asked to submit a recommendation, where the candidate’s research achievements are highlighted. In case the advisor believes that although the student excels well in the research, the documented scientific output is delayed, and expected at a later stage of the research, this point should be strongly emphasized.

The excellence scholarship awardees will receive 1 additional scholarship portion per month, in addition to their approved ongoing scholarships. The additional scholarship will be awarded for the period October 2023‐ September 2024, subject to the terms and conditions as detailed below.

Candidates who receive or applied for a named or external scholarship are allowed to apply for the RBNI excellence scholarships, pending the approval of the Technion graduate school, and according to the guidelines of the corresponding external or named scholarship.


Technion scholarship recipients receiving 4 or more monthly scholarship portions in the academic year 2023-2024 – Please do not apply if you do not have at least 11 months of scholarship this year (November 2023 to September 2024, inclusive).

*An exceptional submission approval will be examined per case.

A special application submission approval will be given to master students who began their studies in March 2022. These students are granted 24 months of a continuous scholarship and have an approved 6a scholarship extension, for the 2023-2024 academic year. In other words, master students who have approved scholarships for 11 months in the 2023-2024 academic year (between the months of October 2023 and August 2024, inclusive) can submit an application.

Required documents:
1. The application must be submitted online. The online form can be found at the bottom of this page. The candidate must include an official and updated transcript, signed by the Technion graduate school (for a signed transcript please contact Rinat Ben Chaim at the graduate school gradsc@technion.ac.il).
2. Two letters of recommendation from faculty members, one of whom is the advisor, are required. For student who have more than one advisor, a letter is required from each one.
3. Short c.v.

Please send all recommendation letters to rbni@technion.ac.il
A candidate who will not fulfill all required criteria - will not be considered by the committee.
Last date for submission‐10.8.2024
Answers will be sent by September 30th 2024

- The RBNI scholarship recipients nominees will be invited to apply for a second phase in which RBNI will grant excellence prizes.
Guidelines for the prizes will be published separately.
Three prizes will be granted for the amounts of 2,500 NIS, 5,000 NIS and 7,500 NIS.

Prof. Gadi Eisenstein,
Director of the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute

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