Assist. Prof.


Ph.D.: Technion, Physics, 2020

M.Sc.: Technion, Materials Science and Engineering, 2016

B.Sc.: Physics and Materials Science and Engineering, 2014


Main Nano Field: Ultrafast light-matter interactions in 2D materials, material surfaces and interfaces, and light-induced charge motion in molecular systems.



Physics of Living System Fellow, MIT (2019-2021)

Postdoc at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University (2015-2018)

PhD at the Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2014

MSc at the Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2009

BSc in Physics, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico 2007


Main Nano Field:

Ph.D: Weizmann Institute of Science (IL), Life Science

M.Sc.: Ghent University (BE), Veterinary Medicine

B.Sc.: Ghent University (BE), Veterinary Medicine

Main Nano Field: Nanoscale imaging

Research interests: Molecular Imaging, Systems imaging, cardiovascular disease, vascular-immune interactions




August 2016 - Doctor of Philosophy, Weizmann Institute of Science,Rehovot, Israel Thesis: “Cold chemistry with cold molecules” | Advisor: Prof. Ed Narevicius

December 2012- Master of Science in Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Thesis: “New frontiers in cold chemistry” | Advisor: Prof. Ed Narevicius

September 2010 - Bachelor of Science in Physics and Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israe


Ph.D. Physics, University of Munich, 2013

M.Sc. Physics, University of Munich, 2009

Main Nano Field: In our experimental group, we are studying coherent quantum dynamics on the attosecond time scale and nanometer length scale. To this end, we are developing new approaches to achieve exactly that – simultaneous spatial and temporal imaging of electronic wave functions. 

research interests:

Main Nano Field: Flow in Nano and micro porous media, flow of nanoparticles in porous media
Research interests: Flow, deformation and reaction in porous media

Postdoc 2015 Harvard Applied Physics
Ph.D. 2009 Weizmann Environmental
M.Sc. 2007 Weizmann Environmental
B.Sc. 2003 HUJI Physics