Uri Shavit
PhD: Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1994
MSc: Agricultural Engineering, Technion, 1990
BSc: Agricultural Engineering, Technion, 1987
Nano Main Field:
Pore scale modeling and bio-physical interaction in the ocean and soils
Research Interests
Prof. Shavit and his research group study transport phenomena in complex environments such as stream beds, canopy flows, and coral reefs. The laboratory, field, and theoretical studies include pore scale modeling, mean flow models, solute dispersion, particles re-suspension, volume averaging theories, applications of PIV and PLIF, groundwater-stream interaction, N-cycle and other biogeochemical processes in streambeds and soils. In recent years more attention is given to small scale flow problems in the ocean and in particular bio-physical interaction of benthic feeders.