Derek Leroith

+972-4-8541260 / +972-50-2061578

Education**: MD, PhD

PhD:  Medicine, University of CapeTown 1973

Nano Main Field: My group is interested in addressing the issue of more aggressive tumor development in obesity and type diabetes.

We have mouse models that replicate the human situation with both increased tumor growth and increased metastases.

This is associated with changes in gene-expression, miRNAs and epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

We wish to use nanotechnology to develop a system of inhibition of these effects in the tumors.

These treatments will inhibit the aggressiveness of the tumors occurring under the metabolic effects of obesity and diabetes.

Research Interests: 

I have been involved in research on the role of insulin and the IGF-1 receptors in cancer for many years, with my most recent studies on Obesity and Type 2 diabetes and cancer risk. Using mouse models we have shown a connection between hyperinsulinemia and hypercholesterolemia and cancer growth and metastases.