PhD: Faculty of Molecular Biology, Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2004
MSc: Department of Genetics, Giva’at-Ram, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1998
BSc: Biology, Giva’at-Ram, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1990
Nano Main Field: Histone demethylases are a new and exciting front of biological research. The specific goal of this project is to undertake a genome-wide survey of target genes which are transcriptionally regulated by the demethylase activity of KDM4A-D proteins, using cutting-edge ChIP-sequencing technology. This should reveal genes whose inappropriate expression contribute to the cellular phenotypes (e.g. carcinogenesis) triggered by KDM4 activity. The Nanoscale- next generation sequencing technology (Illumina) will be used to map the genomic binding sites of KDM4 proteins.
Research interests:
Cell biology
Gene regulation