
Yuval Shaked



Nano Area:
Personal Home Page:

PhD: Medicine, Hebrew University, Hadassah hospital (2004).

MSc: Direct to PhD

BSc: Basic medical sciences, Hebrew University.


Nano Main Field:

Via a nanotechnology platform, we search for small molecule drugs, which are designed to neutralize, inhibit, or target new and novel factors expressed on cancer cells. We base our proteomic analyses on drug design in collaboration with several in-house and outside groups to develop new targeted therapies for cancer.

Research Interests

The aims of my research program are to study tumor cell biology and growth in the context of angiogenesis, tumor invasion and metastasis, tumor microenvironment, and cancer stem cells (CSCs), and to identify new targets that will react to targeted therapies using innovative and nanotechnology approaches. A major focus of my laboratory is the exploration of angiogenesis and metastasis associated with circulating bone marrow derived cells (BMDCs), and the impact of several types of chemotherapy or other treatment regimens on metastasis growth. In addition, we investigate the effects of newly developed targeted anti-cancer drugs on tumor cell growth especially BMDC mobilization and colonization of tumors, metastasis spread, and CSCs expansion. We also study the impact of host bone marrow responses on tumor growth after various drug treatments and/or other treatment regimens and seek alternative and innovative approaches to improve treatment outcome.