3D-bioprinting center for printing cells and biomaterials

Faculty of Biomedical Engineering

D-Bioprinting allows for accurate and specific cell orientation within a well-defined environment. The EnvisionTEC GmbH 3D-Bioplotter Manufacturer Series (https://envisiontec.com/3d-printers/3d-bioplotter/manufacturer-series/) has a designated hood and incubator.

The 3D-bioprinting center offers printing paid-service according to the user's application, as well as usage by trained users. The 3D-bioprinter is available as an RBNI infrastructure. Demonstration of the 3D-bioprinter capabilities and training will be given by demand for a group of 3-4 researchers.


Academic supervisor: Prof. Shulamit Levenberg, shulamit@bm.technion.ac.il

manager: Galia Ben David, bmgalia@bm.technion.ac.il Phone: 04 -829-4150


List of equipment:

3D Bioprinter (Model 3D-Bioplotter® Manufacturer)


Biological Hood



For more information regarding the Technion 3D Bio-printing Center in the faculty of Biomedical Engineering click here