Biomedical Engineering

Ph.D.: Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, 2002

M.Sc.: Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, 1997

B.Sc.: Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1995

Main nao Field:

Nanoparticled and ultrashort pulses for biomedical applications.

Research Interests:

Microscopy and advanced optical imaging

Nano-therapy using nanoparticles and femtosecond optical pulses

Miniature endoscopy

Combined diagnostics-therapy systems

PhD: Biomedical Engineering, Technion-IIT, 2007

MSc:Electrical Engineering, Technion-IIT, 2003

BSc: Electrical Engineering, Technion-IIT, 2002

         Mechanical Engineering, Technion-IIT, 2002


Nano Main Field:

Nanobioelectricity, Nanomedicine, Nanobiotechnology, Nanobioenergetics

Research Interests:

The lab has two main research directions. 

Ph.D.: Technion 2004

M.Sc.: Chemical Engineering, Technion 2000

B.Sc.: Chemical Engineering, Technion 1998

Nao Main field:

Nanostructure, mechanics, and microrheology of internal regions of live cells, with application to the characterization, 

diagnostics, and treatment of disease

Research Interests:

Real-time, high-resolution fluorescence microscopy with combined time-lapse; Particle tracking microrheology, Bio-microrheology;   

Ph.D.: Weizmann Institute, 1999

B.Sc.: Biology, Hebrew University, 1992


Main Nano Field:Nano- and micro-manipulations of embryonic stem cell differentiation and 3D organization, nanodesign of biopolymers for tissue engineering..

Research Interests: 

Bio-Engineering and Human Embryonic stem cells 

Controllable micro-environments for human embryonic stem cell culture

The role of tension in 3D organization process of human embryonic stem cells

Ph.D.: Technion, 1970

B.Sc.: Agricultural and Civil Engineering, Technion,1962


Main Nano Field: forced and spontaneous nanomotion of the cytoskeleton as a probe for intracellular rheology and remodeling.

Research Interests: Cellular Micro-Rheology and Nano-motion 

Tissues Micro-Structure and Mechanics 

Coronary Circulation